8:00- 4:30
There are 4 tracks available Each of these are considered a pre-conference course and the fee is $250 per person to attend the full day course with 8 hours AGD dental CEU’s. Some courses may be limited in size
“Biological 101” Dr’s Michael Margolis DDS, FIABDM, Marjan Seywerd DDS, FIABDM, Dawn Ewing PhD Learn about meridians and how teeth are connected to different organs, the protect protocol to protect you/staff, the patients and the environment from mercury when removing amalgams, research on fluoride, cavitations, thermography, record keeping, and much more. This course is a pre-requisite for certification.
“Holistic Mouth Dr” Dr. Felix Liao DDS, MIABDM Learn about the airway and how dentists can affect breathing. Breathing is not alternative medicine. Learn how to treat snoring, sleep apnea, and change children’s lives.
“Surgery and More” Dr. Blanche Grube DMD, MIABDM Dr. Blanche Grube DMD, MIABDM Learn how to detect and treat cavitations. How to extract a tooth to prevent future cavitations.
"Pain and Trigger Point" Dr. Hal Blatman MD
8:00- 8:30
Opening comments Dr. Marjan Seywerd. Passing the Gavel to Dr. Nicholas Meyer DDS
8:30- 10:00
“ Vaccines, the evolution of Bad Science” Del Bigtree From the moment Dr. Edward Jenner, the celebrated father of vaccines, first scraped puss from cow pox into the arm of a healthy child to prevent small pox, modern science has campaigned on the benefits of vaccination while quashing true stories of death and injuries they’ve caused. In fact, Jenner’s own son, who became mentally handicapped after receiving his father’s “miracle cure”, was described as sickly until he died at 21. Two hundred fifty years later the pharmaceutical industry is spending billions to hide the dark underbelly of their booming industry.
10:00- 10:45
Vendor Break
10:45- 12:15
“ECS and Oral Health” Jordan Rubin How stimulating the body’s endocannabinoid system can affect the health of our mouth, gums and teeth as well as the entire body. The holistic dental practitioner will learn how to use botanicals to safely and effectively provide exogenous cannabinoids and stimulation of the endocannabinoid system to the patient.
12:15- 1:30
Lunch and Vendor Break
1:30- 2:30
"The Truth About Cancer & Suppressed Treatments" Ty and Charlene Bolinger Showing how cancer is not a death sentence. There are options and hope.
Vendor Break
3:30- 5:00
“The Oral and Ocular Health Connection” Dr. Tom Lewis PhD How appropriate diet and modifiable environmental factors that support immune health
6:00- 10:00
Friday Night Event (Must have a ticket)
8:00- 9:30
“The Truth about Dentistry” Dr. Thomas Lokensgard DDS, ND
Vendor Break
10:00- 12:00
“The Truth about PRF in Dentistry” Dr. Alireza Panahpour, DDS The Casanova facelift.
12:00- 2:00
Lunch and Vendor Break
2:00- 3:30
“We Take Poison Out Of The Mouth, What Are We Putting In? Dr. Hal Blatman MD The toxicity of food and food caused/inflammatory pain. Food, Pain and the Dietary Effects of Inflammation. Nutrition and Pain: Rules for Success, Toxicology of Food. We Take Poison out of the Mouth, What are we Putting In?
3:45- 5:15
"Dental Toxins in Integrative Cancer Therapy" Dr Antonio Jimenez MD, ND Dental toxins from root canals, cavitations, and dental amalgams create breeding grounds for pathogens that shape a cancer-favoring environment. We will describe dental toxicity from the perspective of our decades-old cancer treatment philosophy: The 7 Key Principles of Cancer TherapyTM. These include: Non-Toxic Cancer Therapies, Immunomodulation, Detoxification, Full Spectrum Nutrition, Oxygenation, Restore the Microbiome, and Emotional and Spiritual Healing. We will show how dental toxicities can become an impediment in the successful implementation of an integrative cancer treatment strategy; how we have traced extensive metastatic disease in different cancer types back to dental issues; and, how removing these toxins has been vital to restoring the health of our patients.